So I've decided to start a new blog. I think I'll leave the old one up, at least for a while, bc it might be handy to link to stuff I posted there.
Why a new blog? Well, I kinda feel like I'm at a turning point in life. I've just left my job at the local library, so that opens up new opportunities. Now, I don't necessarily need a new blog just bc I feel like I'm at a turning point (Who knows? Maybe I'm not really at a turning point; maybe it will turn out to be more of the same.); I just feel like starting a new journal, so to speak.
I figure that, at 45 yo and very optimistically speaking, I've got another 45 years to go. Add to that this 'turning point' vibe I've got going on, I figure I'd call this blog The Second Half. Forty-five more years is probably way too generous an estimate, but I prefer to think that way rather than think in such a manner as to name a new blog The Two Minute Warning or Sudden Death OT or something like that.
One thing I'll do different from the last blog is that I won't do themed days. I started doing that on the old blog sometime last year (I think) and it got to be non-fun so out with that idea. It should go without saying that, of course, I will continue to post Friday Cat Blogging posts. Friday Cat Blogging is a blogging institution, an internet phenomenon, it's something way bigger than my measly blogs and I have to admit that I'd almost be afraid to not continue with it.
So that's about all I've got for now, folks. Welcome to The Second Half!
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