Ugh. So I was motoring along there for a while after the new year wrt activity and healthy eating. Just moseyiing along, doing all the right things, eating all the right stuff, basically getting it all together. And all along I'm thinking to myself, 'I've never kept this up for this long. It's been a couple of months now. There have been days when the wheels came off before I was done with breakfast. When is it the bottom going to fall out?" And by the bottom falling out, I mean 'When am I going to find myself parked on the couch with the remote and a pint of ice cream for several days in a row?'
Bc that's how it feels sometimes, like I just find myself doing that. People talk about triggers, e.g., someone upsets them and they reach for the bon bons. Or they've got tons of stuff to do so they snarf down a whole package of oreos. I rarely can make that direct a connection; it just seems like I find myself in an unhealthy (wrt nutrition and/or activity) funk and have no recollection of how I got there. I don't even see it sneaking up on me. It's just all of a sudden I realize I'm off the wagon and it's been a few days since I fell.
So, finally, I found myself in that situation a couple of weeks ago. Mike the Trainer Guy theorizes that I was setting myself up for the funk by thinking about it. Not exactly sure what he means, but I think he means that my thinking about it as if it were inevitable kinda gave me permission to have/let it happen. Again, I don't know if I understood him correctly or not; I may have that all wrong.
His other theory (again, IIRC; there was much discussion on the topic) was that it's a bodily response to a craving. You know what, I really don't understand what all he said on this score. It was more involved than just, say, craving chocolate and, since I don't remember/understand it well, I'll not put words into his mouth.
My personal theory is non-existent at the moment. I thought that, by watching out for it I might recognize the funk before it hit and thereby avert it, but I missed it even so. I didn't feel triggered by anything. I didn't feel especially crazy-busy at the time (although I have felt crazy-busy since and I'm out of the funk). Now, just bc I didn't feel these things doesn't mean I didn't feel these things, IYKWIM. That is, just bc I say I didn't feel these things doesn't mean I didn't feel them; maybe I just didn't recognize them.
OTOH, in theory, I would like to be able to recognize it and save myself a coupla weeks of regression, plateauing, etc. OTOH, in practicality, I think to myself, 'Okay, you lost 10 lb. in about 3 months. Not the fastest and so you had a lull/backtrack there. So what. You did it. You feel good. Overall things are positive. It's life. Keep moving and, as long as you keep moving forward, don't worry about the nitty gritty.'
So, seeing as I currently have no idea what goes on when the funk hits, I guess I'll just go along with the practical approach and keep on keeping on.
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