That's a positive post title, innit? Last Wednesday, I mentioned how I'd slacked off for quite a bit for 11 days. I thought it might be tough working out last night after not only slacking off exercise-wise, but eating almost everything within reach, but it was not that bad. And I'm only a little sore today. I'm always sore the day after a session (and sometimes later that night!), but today wasn't worse than usual.
Later last night, I was thinking that it's sometimes refreshing to take break from exercise, healthy eating, perhaps anything you do for similar reasons, i.e., bc you have to or for your own good. In a word: vacation. Now, in this situation, I felt pretty comfy slacking off bc there was an end in sight: we had a session scheduled for last night (and I admit to hoping thinking I was coming down with something on Monday night and maybe I should cancel Tuesday's session, but did not). I'm 99.999% certain that if we hadn't had a session on the books, I might never have got back on the wagon.
There's nothing like a little external accountability to get one back on the wagon. Ideally, internal accountability should be enough, but we all know I'm weak that way. The other thing is that I never work myself as hard as Mike does so if he's coming over I can count on it being a kickass workout.
Kevin and I went for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner tonight. Mike suggested what's now known as 'the Walmart walk', a trek into the hills section of town and including what Mike calls 'a good up', i.e., a rather steep hill. The first time I did that walk a coupla months ago, I swear my heart was going to beat right out of my body like a cartoon character. The walk we actually did had a coupla smaller inclines; it took about an hour, but we stopped a coupla times (to drop off some books for a neighbor who's currently on crutches, to drop off some newspaper plastic bags for neighbors who have dogs [i.e., poo bags], to chat w/my co-worker/friend/neighbor/fellow asshole Stephanie) so 1 hour less chat time and it was prolly really only 30 minutes. That's going to have to do bc I just don't have the time to do these monster walks. Sure, if I didn't want to do anything else tonight, I'd have enough time, but there are other things I want to do in life.
Found the equipment picture I couldn't find last week:
I'm pretty pleased with what I paid: $100 for the weight set and $125 for the bench. As Kevin pointed out later, I prolly coulda got them for less than the asking price, but I think I was just so happy to get the stuff for less than new that I didn't even think to offer less. And it's good stuff, too; the bench, especially: it's a tank. Well, I think that's enough navel gazing for tonight.