Longtime readers may recall that I started a philosophy chat group at the library some time ago. At a certain point (once some regulars established themselves), I felt the need to move on. There were also some scheduling conflicts.
One of the participants arranged for a reporter, Lorraine Ash, from the local paper, the Daily Record, to visit with the group and write an article. I was supposed to be there when Lorraine visited, but I screwed up the dates. She interviewed me over the phone afterward. That article was printed on May 25, 2008; click here to read it.
I haven't attended a chat in ages. Reading the article, I was very proud of the group's discussion. De facto moderator Don Curiotto is very good; I have been there when he moderated and even when he doesn't moderate he's very good at introducing new viewpoints and considerations; also at keeping the discussion on track and lively.
I have only one tiny quibble. I'm described as 'a part-time librarian en route to earning a doctorate in philosophy'. I suppose it depends on what one means by 'en route'; The Plan is to eventually get the doctorate, but the article's description might imply that I'm in a doctoral program at the moment and I'm not. I'm in an MA program and hope to get into a PhD program after completion of the MA. Other than that...
Good job, people!