Reilly, my in-laws' beloved Maine Coon cat, died recently. Reilly (see his stint as Friday Cat Blogging Guest Cat here) was a majestic elder cat. He was first adopted by Kevin's sister, Joyce, who happened in at the shelter just before The Baby Reilly's numbered days ran out. Reilly had a chronic respiratory thing and I suppose his sniffling and sneezing did not recommend him as an adoptee. But Joyce saw past that, adopted him and pretty much saved Reilly's life in doing so.
Reilly later lived with Kevin's brother, Chris. With Chris, Reilly truly came into his own. He was quite the Travelling Cat: Virginia, Boston, suburbs,.... He did not, however, accompany Chris and his family to England.
That's when he joined my in-laws, Jack and Fern. With Jack and Fern, Reilly became the majestic statesman. Politically, he became more and more of an isolationist (wrt other cats) in his old age. This may have been partly due to his decreasing tolerance for stupid, insolent younger felines. It may also have been partly due to the fact that he was royally spoiled and came to believe that he was the only cat that mattered. In any event, his elevated status suited him and surprised no one.
Medically, Reilly battled diabetes for a time. He endured prescription food. He suffered from the aches and pains of encroaching age. Unfortunately, he became ill recently and was unable to recover. Jack and Fern made the caring and selfless decision to euthenize Reilly, allowing him to die in peace, in dignity, without pain, yet with those who loved him with him at the end.
I leave you with some pictures of Reilly.
Thanks for sharing Reilly's story and photos. He was a very handsome cat. It sounds like he knew what he wanted and made sure he got it. My sympathy to those who knew him, and my congratulations to his family for looking after him so well right to the end.
Karen (Mum to Gypsy & Tasha)
Posted by: Kaz's Cats | Friday, January 04, 2008 at 09:41 PM
My sympathy and condolences to your family at the loss of Reilly. It's a horrible decision to have to make but one that is made from love for sure.
Posted by: sleepingmommy | Saturday, January 05, 2008 at 05:38 PM
Lovely memorial to Reilly :)
Thanks for joining CotC this week!
Robyn & Sanjee
Posted by: HotMBC | Sunday, January 06, 2008 at 10:22 PM
What a wonderful kitty Reilly was. He was so cute, and regal indeed.
Posted by: kitikata-san | Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 07:54 PM