Friday Ark #162 is here at The Modulator.
Carnival of the Cats #188 is here at Missy, KC and Bear.
Another favorite picture from I Can Has Cheezburger.
I admit that, by not enjoying The View, I kinda feel like I'm letting down the sisterhood. I've only seen bits of it and have never felt the need to let the remote linger over it very long. The picture pretty much sums up what it all sounds like to me: blah, blah, blah.
And Barbara Walters is not aging gracefully. I don't mean appearance-wise (btw, those super-soft focus cameras she used on 20/20 and her Oscar interviews are most annoying); I mean what-comes-out-of-her-mouth-wise. I know, I know, she's a groundbreaking, legendary journalist. I liked her better when she stuck to the news. Not that anyone asked me.