So last Thursday, i.e., a week ago today, I had this massive, pointy headache. I thought of it as The Bat Mask of Pain bc the pain was worst in the area of the head covered by Batman's mask, were I to wear a Bat Mask.
I was okay Friday and Saturday, IIRC. Sunday the pointy headache returns, with bonus features of nausea, vomiting and alternating feelings of hot and cold. I spent the day in bed. Since then the headache has remained, along with neck and shoulder aches. I am not at all pleased about this. Most annoying. I'm taking Advil a couple of times a day and Tylenol PM sweet Tylenol PM at night.
I went to the doctor today bc I had to get this form filled out saying I had my mumps, measles and rubella shots (like, in 1965, people; I hope they don't give me a hassle bc the two shots were earlier than the 12 and 15 months after birth, respectively, called for on the form; I can't register for school unless they clear my immunization status) and I was overdue for my annual physical. I have high blood pressure. Succotash. 140 over something, I forget the latter number. IIUC, my reading's right at the cutoff for high blood pressure. 120/80 is considered normal for an adult. 140/90 is hypertensive. In between normal and hypertensive is prehypertensive. Apparently high bp can cause headaches and perhaps my bp is high enough to cause these narsty headaches.
I want to trepan myself to relieve some of the pressure in my head. I don't know that that would get rid of the headache, but weirdly enough, that's the thing I most want to do: just chisel in there. Maybe I just want to rip in there and see if I can pull out the headache. And Smudgie did okay w/his trepanation, so now I feel brave enough to go under the drill. He's blazed a trail for other members of this household to follow him into trepanation.
Maybe I'll just take the medicine the doctor prescribed. I start it tomorrow bc the pharmacy had to order it. I don't know what it is; I didn't even read the prescription; I just handed it over to the nice lady at the pharmacy bc I just want something to and I don't care what it is. The doc wants to recheck my bp next week.
Okay, it's time to let TylenolPM take over.