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Tuesday, July 31, 2007



oh the poor darling,
his face looks really bad with the stitches but we are glad that it turned out to be no cancer.
we are keeping paws crossed that he will recover soon and be his old self.
Kashim & Othello


Thank you. Although he looks funky, he is still his usual mushball self, which is a reassuring sign.

Victor Tabbycat

That pictor just begs the comment, "But you should see the other guy!" Is Smudgie a good patient? Poor sweetie. I herd on the talky box that bean doctors are taught to "expect a horse, not a zebra". That means, follow the symptoms (hoofbeats) to the most likely conclusion first (horse) rather than looking fur unusual but possible fings (zebra) firstest. But yur cats must be "zebras"!
Get well soon, Smudge! Purrs!


WOW! I'm glad to hear it isn't cancer. That was a scary thing. I'm amazed though--having never heard of the sinus type problems in cats. However, my human says she's had cats like that--not with sinus problems but with weird statistically never happens stuff...


dear sweet smudgie,

what good news!

just don't look in the mirror for a little while.


Much purrs coming your way Smudgie !!

You're looking cool with the stitches though. Mucho macho.

Megan & Bad Kitty Cats

We are SOOOOOOOOOO glad Smudgie does not have cancer. Sorry we did not get by sooner but we have been purrin' - this is such great news. Poor Baby with his stitchies... gentle kisses and loves.

Long Live Smudgie WOOHOO

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