Oh, gosh, I haven't been posting much lately, other than about cats and cancer. There's stuff about which I'd like to write and post, but haven't been in the mood to sit down and actually write and post. Hmmm, howzabout I do a recap here?
School: Currently working on a paper about the knowledge argument (KA) and the ability hypothesis (AH). While reading Jackson's original KA stuff, something in there reminded me of the AH, so I thought I'd look into the two a little more. It can be very frustrating to think about something, try to come up with something interesting and just a smidge original...and yet, nothing. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising when thinking about something that's probably had some 87,000+ things written on it. Every time I think of something that at least I consider interesting, I look around a bit to see what, if anything, others have said about it only to find that I'm late to the party. I've finally settled on some ideas to write on and I'm just going to go ahead with them. I'll post more later after I've actually finished the thing.
Wrt grad school: Still grumpy and uninterested in writing about it.
Cats: Edison continues integrating into the group. He's slept with us for a few nights now. We had been putting in his room at night bc he just would not let Smudge and Nosey rest in peace. He's been better the last few nights, although it takes him a while to settle down. He's settling down in general, too. Becoming less a constantly crazy, active kitten and more a lazy layabout adult cat. He is, in fact, settled down right next to me for a daytime nap as I type.
We're still working on regulating Nosey's insulin intake. Nosey has the dubious distinction of being the longest feline patient of our vet's to get regulated. Changes to his insulin dosage are made based on his roughly every three week fructosamine (sp?) testing. The upper range of normal is 450 (I forget the lower range; maybe 80? 120?). When first diagnosed, Nosey was in the 900s! He's now down to 599. He seems to drop roughly 100 points with each increase in insulin. He's currently at 3 plus a smidge units of insulin two times per day. He's gaining weight. He's up to 13.7 lb. We'd like to see him at least 14 lb. Up to 16 lb. would be good for him. His activity level is increasing. He plays like the Nosey of old: jumping in the air at the birdie toy, chasing after the string toy, etc. He's just been taken off prednisone entirely; hope that works out okay and his IBD doesn't recur.
He's been aggressing towards Clara for a few months now. At first, it seemed like he went after her when she went after Edison (she goes after him, and I mean, really goes after him, i.e., she's not just playing, at least once a day). It was kinda cute bc it seemed like the big tuxedo cat was sticking up for the little tuxedo cat. But we've since seen him staring her down and stalking her even when nothing's going on (as far as we can see, that is) and Eddie's nowhere to be seen. Sometimes, when one cat gets all riled up about something, other cats get riled up, too. Maybe it's instinctive. I think that's what happens when Clara chases Eddie and Nosey reacts to the situation by getting all riled up himself. I mentioned this to vet, who tells me that diabetes can be accompanied by increased aggression. Guess that's what's going on with our little NoseyCat. He never got into it with any of the other cats before, never had any aspirations of taking down any of the others.
Although I'd prefer none of my cats be diabetic, if any of them are going to be diabetic, I'm glad it's not Dolly or Clara. Especially Clara. I don't know how we'd get insulin shots in her 2x/day. We were able to medicate her when she had IBD, but she was confined and very weak then. I'd probably have to shoot her with an insulin dart. And the last thing Clara needs is to be more aggressive.
Dolly's down about .5 lb. She hadn't been getting her flagyl bc she'd learned that she could jump over the baby gate to the basement. As long as she has an out, she uses it when we try to give her any medication. Kevin's put up a makeshift door and we've just started giving the flagyl to her again. (The doorway to the basement is in a very tight spot, almost too tight for a regular door that swings out. The prior owners had one of those accordion type doors. That was perfect except the cats could squeeze through even the tiny opening they could make on the side where it latched. Smudgie has always had an open door policy: he abhores a closed door and always tries to open closed doors. He picked apart the sections of the accordion door to make new openings to get through the door.) Now we've got to get her weight back up again. She's still in the kitchen. We leave the doors open except for when we're about to medicate her. I sure hope she doesn't figure that out. But she doesn't go very far from the kitchen even when the doors are open. After several months of having the doors always closed, seems she's become a prisoner of her own mind. I think her life, in general, is better now bco her kitchen location. She eats more. She gets her medication regularly. She gets more interaction w/us. She gets less aggravation from Clara, who used to bother her several times a day, poor thing. Clara really can be such the little bitch.
Dolly and Clara need dental work relatively soon. Dolly will have pre-dentistry blood drawn at Nosey's next appointment and, if the blood tests are okay, she'll go in for a dentistry. She now has gingivitis (who doesn't?) and some bleeding of her gums. Both are preventable...if the cat allows tooth brushing. Dolly don't play that. Kevin cleans Eddie's teeth with pads made especially for cats. He doesn't love it (Eddie, that is), but he's been getting it done since he came here so he's fairly used to it. Clara had that ER trip a while back bco some infected teeth; the ER vet noted that she'll probably need to have more come out.
Fortunately, Smudge and Eddie seem to be well. The vet noted that Smudge has lost some muscle tone, but he will be 13 yo next month (as will Dolly and, we estimate, Clara; Nosey turns 8 next month), so that's to be expected.
True to Crazy Cat Lady form, I'm currently looking into a sad looking cat that I've occasionally seen on the way to and from work over the last two months or so. He looks like he's a totally outdoor cat. Up until the other day, I had only seen him at night. I was able to get a good look at him (could be a her, I didn't check) and he just doesn't look good. He's got one grey eye (like Slim), although that mightn't be problematic ito proper care. He was dirty and wet on his limbs, with some kind of clay color spread on one of his white legs. He's very friendly. He did have a current town license tag, which is encouraging. And it allowed me to give the town animal guy some identifying information. I think I'll call tomorrow to see if he found out anything. I just feel badly for the little critter, especially with yesterday being so cold, slushy and windy. If he was outside, I hope he was able to find some kind of shelter.
Work: Work's pretty much the same. There are times, however, when at work that I feel like I'm witnessing the decline of civilization. We have a set-your-cell-phone-to-vibrate policy (the idea being that you wouldn't take a call in the library and you certainly wouldn't dream of making a call from the library). If any place should be cell phone free, it should be a library. I admit, I'm very picky and strict about the cell phone thing. Not only should you not use your cell phone in a library, you shouldn't use it anywhere people have no choice but to be part of your phone conversation. Now, I can't change the world, but I can make sure people don't use their phones in the library. I ask people to take their calls outside. When it's very cold, I ask them to keep it short and quiet and take it in the kids' room in the back, where there's often no one else there.
Sometimes I do feel like I see a lot of selfish behavior at work, especially with children who are unaccompanied by an adult. I thought I'd further explain what I mean by the decline of civilization, but I find my heart's just not into it at the moment. I don't want to depress myself with a foray into the lack of civility, politeness and consideration. Perhaps another time, then.
Home: Well, the builders were going to start our garage earlier than March, if the weather allowed, but the weather decided to actually act like winter. Tant pis, bc I could've used a garage for my cute little car these last few days.
Kevin and I had a nice Valentine's Day yesterday. I usually work at the library's Socrates Cafe on Wednesday nights, but I cancelled it due to the weather. Kevin cooked up some quesadillas and we exchanged gifts. I gave Kevin a map to track our travels. There had been a big section of cork board on the den wall, but that's gone after it was remodeled. But he had pinned up a map and marked off where we'd been. He'd often lamented the loss of that cork, ugly as it was, so I thought he'd like this map, which is mounted on foam just so you can stick pins in it. Kevin gave me two pairs of amber earrngs he got in Paris when he was there last month. Smoove. Plus a few other things. Of course, we got each other the requisite delicious chocolates from Rose City Chocolatier in town.
Health: I don't have cancer!
On that note, I'm off to do some stuff around the house, so Kevin doesn't think I sit home eating bon bons all day (note to self: put bon bons on grocery list) and then get back to thinking and writing about the KA and the AH.