Oy. We picked up Nosey from the vet last night, after I got off work, around 9:30 pm. He'd had his endoscopy yesterday, but the vets didn't see anything. They say that's the case about 50% of the time. Tissue samples were sent for biopsy; the results should be in early next week.
He appears better than when we brought him in to the vet on Wednesday. And he ate some. I was very worried about that bc, other than a moth he brought down just before heading to the vet on Wednesday, I hadn't seen him eat much at all recently. Nosey doesn't eat people food, so I can't tempt him w/chicken, tuna, etc. And he's got that bum sniffer, so it doesn't help much to warm up food or do anything else to make it more aromatic and enticing. He basically eats to live, which, I suppose, is the healthy approach.
They forgot to give us x-ray files, but they did give us endoscopy pictures. So, without further ado, I give you...Nosey's innards:
They're so pink! Doesn't he have the cutest little innards? Here he is, relaxing on the porch and keeping tabs on the neighborhood this morning.
Confident that Nosey was feeling better and that he had eaten something, I was just about to tuck myself into bed when I noticed Clara was looking kinda funky. She was drooling, her chin was soaked with drool, her tongue was sticking straight out, her mouth was partly open and, basically, she looked scared, with eyes fully dilated and her body shaking. So, we engaged in a short hide and seek until finally scruffing her and stuffing her into the carrier, then headed back to the vet.
I didn't know what to think. I'd never had a cat foam at the mouth. Could it be in any way connected to Nosey's return from the vet? Was she having a seizure, stroke, heart attack? I hoped it would be something treatable. Fortunately, it was.
They gave her some kinda quickie anesthesia iot look in her mouth. She had four very rotten teeth. The vet took them out quickly. Apparently, they were so rotten they were just wiggling around in there and they came out easily. They did a coupla other things, e.g., sub-cutaneous fluids and an antibiotic injection for the oral (and prolly systemic) infection, to give her a boost. Then they reversed the anesthesia and she was ready to come home to Momma.
It's really neat the stuff they can do. They needed to look in her mouth to see the problem, but she's not very cooperative due to her nature and, of course, the dental situation that was about to be discovered. That anesthesia reminds me of those Animal Planet shows where they show people tranquilizing a lion, quickly putting a radio collar on and gathering all kindsa data on the critter, injecting a tranquilizer antidote, then running like hell back to their vehicle. Man, would it suck to lock the keys in the Jeep that day.
Annnnnyway, back to Clara. So, Miss Thang came home, we confined her in the second floor bath, so she could recover in peace. She was thrashing about and still a little disoriented, so we wanted her to be someplace small, confined and alone with her thoughts (which were prolly along the lines of, 'Kill pinkies asap'.). The vet expects she'll eventually need to have all her teeth come out. She'll be okay, though, as long as she eats moist, ground food that she can just lap up.
We planned to keep her confined while she's on antibiotics so we don't have to chase her twice a day for ten days to medicate her. She may even be on antibiotics for 20 days due to the very likely systemic infection. Too much stress for all of us and too much possibility for failure to medicate. Kevin, however, might need ER care soon himself bc he accidentally let her out of the bathroom this morning and we haven't been able to get her back in yet. We gave it a try, but decided to give it a break, let her relax, and try again later. We've got to get her confined again iot give her the meds she really needs.
I couldn't believe that, a mere two hours after we'd left w/Nosey, we were back there w/Clara. I am very glad, however, that Clara's problem is treatable and will run for a definite length of time. And here she is in the foyer. She ran in from the porch when I tried to take a picture of her out there. She is in a most distrustful mood at the moment. She looks interested in eating, so I think I'll go offer her some food and see how she does and maybe I can scruff her then.