So. I usually make New Year's resolutions, but I was having probs settling on some for this year. Now, for me, resolutions are not necessarily big, goal-oriented, personal-achievement type things. They could be, but usually they're not. Resolutions tend to be smaller projects, backburner type projects. Things I'd really like to finally get done, not things that I'm actively trying to get done first and foremost. So I've settled on at least one resolution: to remodel the living room.
This made it onto the resolution list bc I was sitting in the living room the other day and thought that I'd sit in it more if it were more user friendly. As it stands now, the cats use the room a lot more than we do. We've paid more attention to other parts of the house and we are pleased with those results, but I think it's high time we got more use out of our living room. I'm considering tacking the dining room onto the living room project bc they're next to each other and need a lot of the same stuff done, but I'm holding off on that for now. It might be less efficient, but it might be better to work on and totally complete one room at a time.
For my planning purposes, and possibly your entertainment purposes, here's what I've got so far for re: what needs to be done in the living room (* = the dining room needs it, too).
- electrical
- overhead light installed, including wiring for the light (there's no overhead light in there now); maybe w/a fan
- replace one OH light switch w/a dimmer switch; add one by the other side of the room*
- ground and add outlets*
- ceiling
- replaster*
- paint*
- walls
- fix cracks in plaster and wherever electrical work was done
- repaint
- the dining room needs a bit more work done on the walls: take down walls; insulate; sheetrock; plaster; retrim; paint; I'd like to lose one of the closets in the dining room, so there'd be a bit of work in that space
- fireplace
- check firebox for holes
- fix brickface
- fix lose stones in the hearth
- paint hearth
- floors
- refinish
- retrim as needed
- windows
- unjam the windows between the living room and the porch so we can actually open them
- decorate
- curtains: fixtures and curtains*
- make mirror above fireplace smaller and replace frame w/something not so ugly
- move the piano to another spot in the room
- either get slipcovers made or buy new furniture
- add some lighting besides the OH light
- move the recliner outta there
- replace coffee tables
- put up new/other pix and/or maybe reframe old ones w/nicer frames
Now, I'm sure there's stuff I've forgotten, but this is a pretty good list to start. The stuff to definitely outsource is: electric, plaster, floor, firebox check, fixing the fireplace brickface, redoing the mirror and/or picture framing, and slipcovers. I kinda look forward to painting bc it's sorta relaxing. Kevin keeps reminding me that while painting is easy, it's the preparation that makes it easy, and preparation isn't all that relaxing. I know, I know, but, as always, I ask, how hard could it be?