I hope, dear readers, that you all had a happy holiday. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a good weekend in spite of all the Christmas insanity going on around all of us!
Kevin and I had a very quiet Christmas Day. Unfortunately, I managed to get sick with the flu and was down for the count this holiday. I didn't feel so great the other day, but thought it was a fluke; maybe it was the flu already. I had promised Kevin I would do the Christmas cooking - since he did Day After Thanksgiving Day cooking - I was unable to fulfill my promise and Kevin had to cook again. I don't think he minded; I suspect he'd been scheming to do as much all along, what with his sudden interest in rib roasts.
Now, for your viewing pleasure, a picture of Kevin's splendid rib roast. Ya got yer slab o' beef, yer taters and carrots, and yer asparagus. It was delicious and Kevin should be very pleased with his first rib roast.
BTW, that's Kevin's paternal grandmother's china (from Bavaria!) and silverware. I hope you can see the china pattern; it is lovely.
We had hoped to have my brother's family - Greg, Marianne and Gabi - join us for Christmas, but that was not doable. I suppose with me having the flu, it was just as well; I'm sure they would not have appreciated receiving the gift of flu for Christmas. I did miss seeing them and I hope they can make it another time soon. Or, duh, we could go out there.
So I pretty much spent Saturday through yesterday in the den. I always wonder, when I get the flu, whether it's better to take OTC stuff to control the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, etc. or let such symptoms run their course. Friday, when I felt a little iffy, I took some OTC stuff bc I was going to work. But I didn't have to go anywhere all weekend, so I pretty much let the symptoms run their course, unless I was very uncomfortable. E.g., I took something a coupla nights to help me sleep and I took some Tylenol another night when I felt very warm (I should buy a thermometer). I'd like to find that out someday; whether or not you should let your symptoms run their course (if your schedule permits; I imagine it usually doesn't).
I slept in the den, too, bc I felt better when I was sitting up a bit. I can prop myself up some in bed, but it's just not comfy enough. Plus, I feel like I cough and sneeze and roll around trying to get comfy a lot and that probably makes for a poor night's sleep for Kevin. Usually, Dolly and Nosey sleep on the bed with us, but they slept in the den with me the last few days. Although the cats are quite fond of Kevin - Nosey especially so - and I wouldn't have been surprised if they slept in the bed when I was sleeping elsewhere, I have to admit to a certain satisfaction that they stayed with me in the den. I know that's small, but there it is.
In other news, I'm fairly confident that I now have the cleanest cleaning cloths in the entire universe. I was kinda busy last week then I got sick, but all the while I kept trying to get some laundry started. I'd washed this one load of cleaning cloths - and never get any further than that. The next time I went down, I'd re-wash that load bc it'd just been sitting there in its own wetness, maybe molding and stinking, and I thought I should wash them again. And I'm about to do it again, for at least the 6th time, but I hope that now that I'm better and home for a coupla days I'll be able to get past that one load.
I also wanted to get some application stuff done this past weekend, but lost a few days to the flu. So, I reckon I'll sign off here and get back in the swing of things.